Did you find one of my dad’s books? Please sign the guestbook in the comment section below. Throw in a book review if you feel like it! Here’s an example:

My name is Lisa and I am David’s sister. David and I grew up together until I was 12 1/2…
To Lisa and Dani I just finished one of your brothers/fathers books. It’s called “No time for goodbye”, by Linwood…
This is such a wonderful thing. Your dad must have been a fantastic man to inspire such a great idea…
I am in awe of this project. I am so proud of who you are and thankful that I have…
I found a copy of “Glimpse” in the library on Carrollton outside of Toups Meatery. The book was dark, but…
This project is amazing, and though I never met him, I feel like I knew your dad through it. I…
Found a copy of ‘IT’ on Valence and Dryades. I drove around the block twice just to snag it, only…
I am David’s sister Lisa. There isn’t a day that goes by that David isn’t in my thoughts. I am…
I would like to add that this book will be placed in the Book Exchange Box at the playground on…
The Obsidian Chamber – Thanks Lisa!
I am reading the lovers by John Connolly found in Lakeview. Your mission of sharing your fathers passion for literature,…
Honored to have found one of his books, The Call of Cthulhu, and moved by the movement to share his…
I have found Pale Gray for Guilt in old metairie
I just finished a David E. Maurer book from the little free library on Webster Street. I’m so taken by…
About to read a Stephen King novel from David’s Library, thank you for sharing his collection.
Found a book on Panola St. I evacuated for Hurricane Laura and stayed in NOLA with my sister for 2…
Thank you for what you have done. I have never been so touched so deeply to the heart and soul…
Found a book near my house on magazine. 🙂 I absolutely love the fact that you’ve made it into something…
Leave your comment here!
Leave your comment here!
Found a book near my house on magazine. 🙂 I absolutely love the fact that you’ve made it into something to help people.
The Obsidian Chamber – Thanks Lisa!
I would like to add that this book will be placed in the Book Exchange Box at the playground on Nottaway in Ormond, Destrehan. It was not listed anywhere.
I am David’s sister Lisa. There isn’t a day that goes by that David isn’t in my thoughts. I am so thrilled that people
In the city are finding David’s books and are passing them along once the book has been read. He continues to share his knowledge with everyone and that is possible bc you are keeping his books in circulation. He would have been so proud of his daughter’s idea to give back to the community he loved so much.
Thank you for helping us make this project possible. If this tribute to David saves one life it is worth it.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Found a copy of ‘IT’ on Valence and Dryades. I drove around the block twice just to snag it, only to learn it was a part of this amazing project. Many members of my family struggle with substance abuse, and it is good to know we are not alone.
This project is amazing, and though I never met him, I feel like I knew your dad through it. I can’t think of a better way to disperse the entity of one’s life. I’m honored to be a part of this, and sending you love in what I can only imagine is a tumultuous season of life. I’m off to read “The Political Unconscious”.
I found a copy of “Glimpse” in the library on Carrollton outside of Toups Meatery. The book was dark, but interesting, and I’m glad I stumbled upon a book David previously owned. What a thoughtful way to remember your dad.
I am in awe of this project. I am so proud of who you are and thankful that I have the privilege to know what a wonderful child your parents raised.
This is such a wonderful thing. Your dad must have been a fantastic man to inspire such a great idea and to connect so many different people through his books. I visited New Orleans December 2021 and got a copy of “Henry V”, only to find the sticker on the inside of the cover. I took it back to NYC with me, and I’ll be using this script to perform Henry V this spring in Baltimore. I like to think that your dad will be traveling along wherever these books go.
To Lisa and Dani
I just finished one of your brothers/fathers books. It’s called “No time for goodbye”, by Linwood Barclay. Got it from a LFL, but not sure which one as I have used several recently. It was a good story and I thoroughly enjoyed the read. I’d never met, or even heard of David until I read the sticker inside the front cover. I was curious enough to do a Google search and find out who this man was. Even though an obituary is a sad thing, his was clever and entertaining. I mean no disrespect….it is what it is. In my opinion, you can take comfort knowing that even after all this time, he is still touching people’s life’s.
My name is Lisa and I am David’s sister. David and I grew up together until I was 12 1/2 years old. He was my best friend. In 1970, we were blessed and thrilled to learn that our mother was pregnant. Our younger brother, Christopher, was born in December 1970. David and I were his second set of parents. David adored Christopher. We had so much fun “raising” him and today he is a kind, caring and compassionate person of whom I am very proud.
David met his wife (Joann) in 1973 and then Christopher had yet another person who participated in his upbringing, Danielle was born in 1996 and I can’t say enough about her and her love for her father. It was Danielle who came up with the idea of honoring David’s memory by distributing David’s paperbacks throughout the City. Through the efforts of Danielle, Joann (David’s wife), Christopher and Breea (Danielle’s best friend), this lovely tribute to David was born.
I was thrilled to see that someone posted a comment as recently as June 24, 2022 (Danielle’s birthday coincidentally) because it means that people who read his books are continuing to pass along his books to others after reading them.
I want to thank everyone who has been touched by David’s story. Every day is a struggle but as comments are posted, I realize that he is still with us and continues to share with our family and the City he loved two of his passions: reading and introducing/educating others to explore books that someone may not normally choose to read.
This project is a tribute to him and evidence of how much he was loved and how much he meant to us.
Again, thank you for participating in the project. He would be so proud of Danielle for creating a way to continue to pass along his knowledge and his love of reading and educating people.
Love to all. Lisa